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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Collateral Damage

My neighbor's tree was a victim of a wind gust. It was a huge, beautiful old pine that shaded my yard nicely and allowed my ferns to grow without fear of the sun.

Yes, my neighbor's tree was a victim of a wind gust and my house received collateral damage. Will get pics when the wind dies down enough that I am not taking my life in my hands to snap them. Poor tree...My Poor House!


Becca said...

Ohhhhhh! I'm sorry! I know how scary that is and also, how much you'll miss that tree ... it changes the feeling of the house. Not to mention the damage to your own home. I am so sorry!

CatR said...

You need an "oh no!" button along with the other reactions. Not enough yarn to finish Maidenhair, then smashy tree action.

Glad all ok, other than the scared dog and sudden ageing!