Free Patterns

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

About Wordless Wednesday

This was the idea of a young woman I "met" on Ravelry. I was so taken with the idea that I asked if I could play too. The purpose is to find or take a picture that inspires you, leaves you speechless, in awe of the beauty of nature, any thing that makes you think. If you want to join in, make a link to the other players in your sidebar or a weekly post - not your wordless one. Would love to see what you don't have to say every Wednesday!


Lorraine said...

Bev- I find it impossible to be quiet!

Carrie K said...

That's a gorgeous picture but I find wordless days gobsmacking myself. No words?

Unknown said...

I'm in! I have loads of images that just pop with ideas that are important.

Sigrun said...

At a loss for words? Moi? Anyone who reads my blogs knows that if it can be said in 5 words, I'll use 50 words. but sharing great pictures, that I can do.

Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Neat idea. "Gobsmack" is something I haven't heard (or rather "read") since I frequented a BB where I met a lady from England! For some reason that word just tickled me! :)