Here is a rundown;
Back 4 sections contain sugar snap peas, 8 in each square.
The next row contains, from left to right: 4 heads romaine lettuce, 2 kale, 2 kale, 2 kohlrabi.
The next contains, again from left to right: 2 kohlrabi, 4 swiss chard, 4 swiss chard, 4 swiss chard.
Then the front row contains, yes, from left to right again: 9 beets, 9 beets, 16 carrots, 16 carrots.
Next month I will be building 2 or 3 more boxes to fill. Need. My. Colors!
Ok, I'm inspired. Our plants just got hit by a very cold night so it looks like we're going to be starting over anyway. Do I need to buy the book or is there enough info on the website that I'll be good to go?
Good luck with your square garden! It sounds very conveinent and nice.
Mmmm, that all sounds wonderful! You'll have to post some kale, chard and beet recipes. I receive them from time to time in my organic produce box (I get it delivered), and could use some new recipes!
I am waiting just a leeeeeeetle longer for my first plantings (snow peas and maybe spinach). I have my alpine strawberry plants on order and another raised bed is going in next to the shed where the ugly potentillas currently reside. The compost tumbler is upright again and waiting to be anchored with cement this time around.
My tomato seedlings are coming along nicely and may be ready for potting this weekend. Fingers crossed!
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