The Devil made me do it! I swear!!! It isn't my fault. Really. It was out of my control. Couldn't help it. Didn't try. It happened and I just went with it. I was bored with my current focus for WIPs, my Amhra'n Gra' sweater. I needed something different to rejuvenate my knitting senses. Really wanted something I could knit while vegging. Okay, do I really need to give more excuses. Alright, alright, one more. My hand were cold. So I cast on for these! Am making them out of some yarn I purchased 2 years ago at the Taos Wool Festival. Finally found a use for it. Love the mittens, love the yarn, the pattern is great too. It can be found at Magic Mirror Mittens.

Oh! Very nice! I wish I could make mittens. Love those cables. Hooray for stash yarn & happy hands! :)
If anyone ever wanted to knit me a pair of mittens, I would be the happiest girl in the whole USA! I LOVE mittens and it seems we are living in a glove-only world! It is soooo hard to find mittens! These really are beautiful, Bev!
These are very cool! Thanks for posting the link!
The kids sped through their 20 books for the week early so we went to town yesterday, rather than waiting 'til Thursday. Stopped by JoAnns and picked up some DPN's. Found a "bargain" set of 5 each of 000-1s, then grabbed a set of 4 each of 2s and 3s. Was frustrated that the only sets of 5 were in much larger sizes. Am hoping I'll be able to make do with what I got.
So! Today I cast on to DPNs for the first time. Am I nervous? You betcha! Have a feeling I'll be experiencing a lot of "What would Bev say?" moments! ;-)
Love those mittens! Wonder if I have them queued?
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