Before you read this, I, the Captain, must let you know that we, the family, deny any encouragement of said behavior. I hide myself in shame. She is not to be trusted in a yarn store. She cannot be trusted to be at home alone with that plastic card and working internet service. Please, send help!
Call me crazy...go ahead...do it...say it now. I agree with you. Why? Because I am so easily distracted by pretty, sparkly things. It is like being young and in love with every boy in the 7th grade. It is like seeing a dress and coveting it so bad that it is purchased and in the bag before you realize it is the 5th such dress you have found that day. It is like seeing a smorgasbord of all of your favorite foods and having a free for all food fest. It is all of that and more.
What is? I can hear you asking yourself this question. I can! Really!
Well, knitting. A new yarn with which to knit. Something never used before. A new book with a pattern perfect for said yarn. Yes. That and a couple of friends to knit along with. My Irish twin of Knitting in the Shadows and the Knitting Knut are going to keep me focused on this little bit of gorgeousness.

This bit of gorgeousness would be Madli's Shawl from the new book by Nancy Bush. And, the yarn, gifted to me by my Irish twin is Cherry Tree Hill, Orenburg lace in the Wild Cherry colorway.

I will be casting on this evening after all is said and done for the day. Am really looking forward to it. In over 45 years of knitting this is my 2nd or 3rd lace project. Can't wait! And, when finished, this will grace my shoulders of a cool spring evening and remind me that there are sisters out there. Sisters of the soul. Sisters of the heart.
Updates on Madli will be posted weekly. You got it! On Mondays. Hope the IT will take time from her busy designing schedule and join the Knut and I in this endeavor. I mean, after all, it is her fault!
Okay, before I fall into the quagmire of maudlin I must show you the progress on CurlyCue. This

I see your dragon egg up there in the corner. I gave it a hug to help it grow.
The blanket is cute! I looked it up on Rav and may have to break down and get that pattern someday.
Jack, Gandalf sez - don't fight it, it can't be helped. Moms do what they do, and at the end of the day, as long as they cuddle and feed you...well, it's all good.
Sooo...did you cast on?!
(BTW, where did you find the Curly Cue blanket pattern? Me want too!)
Don't fight it, it cannot be cured.
Good luck to those keeping you on the straight and narrow! Madli is darling. Almost as cute as Captain Jack.
So ambitious with Madli! Looks like your dragons are grown up.
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